Who we are
SoLaHmo Partnership for Health & Wellness (SoLaHmo) is a community-driven research program at the Community-University Health Care Center (CUHCC). We are made up of Somali, Latino/a/x, Hmong, Karen, Vietnamese, Native American, Black/African American, and LGBTQ/Two-Spirit community members and healthcare professionals in partnerships with academic researchers.
Active Members
Community Members Trained
SoLaHmo Research Group Information
2008 – Held dialogues with Somali, Latino, and Hmong community. Supported by Blue Cross-Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota to create an asset framework for the Hmong, Latino, and Somali communities. Conducted 2-3 dialogues per community with a total of 72 participants in West Side’s patient area.
2009 – Conducted empowerment education with 10 community members to become Community Researchers in CBPAR.
2010 – Conducted a strategic planning process with Somali, Latino, and Hmong community members, which formed SoLaHmo.
SoLaHmo recognizes that community-based research takes place within the context of historical and current social injustices and trauma that contribute to existing health disparities. Throughout history, research has been used to stigmatize, racialize and disempower communities of color and other marginalized groups.
- SoLaHmo addresses the social and structural determinants of health to achieve health equity and social justice.
- SoLaHmo practices an anti-racist research approach with shared leadership and decision-making.
- SoLaHmo takes a cultural strengths-based approach to doing research.
- SoLaHmo models the practice of cultural humility.
SoLaHmo seeks research partners committed to these values
Cultural Asset Framework
We believe that considerable community and cultural strengths exist that if recognized, built upon and perpetuated, may be protective for health. SoLaHmo conducts research and develops actions (i.e., programs/interventions/policy) through the lens of a community and cultural asset framework, in order to maximize health where it is strong, and address disparities where they exist.
- Improves Community Health / Clinical Care
- Increases Capacity of Community Members and Academic Partners
- Supports Community Members’ Careers (Pipeline to Academic Health Science Careers)
- Influences National Best Practices for CBPAR
- “Unsung Hero Award” – In recognition of dedicated service and outstanding accomplishments in the field of community-based public health; National Community-Based Organization Network (NCBON); October 27, 2024.
- “Community Partner Organization Award”; University of Minnesota School of Public Health; 2014.
CBPAR: Community-Based Participatory Action Research Projects
Current Projects
- Multi-Level Communication Strategies for HPV Vaccination in Hmong Adolescents
- mHealth Feasibility for Chronic Disease
- Reimagining Language Equity: Defining Best Practices in Partnering with Informal Interpreters of Somali Families in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Community Behavioral Health Clinic Improvement and Advancement - Wilder Needs & Assets Assessment
- Promoting a culture of health: exploring mental health stigma and protective factors in the Somali American Community
- Center for Chronic Disease Promotion and Equity Promotion Across Minnesota (C2DREAM)
- Women’s Empowerment through Health Education for Adolescent Leaders (WE-HEAL)
- HMANGO-C (Hmong Microbiome ANd Gout, Obesity, vitamin C)
- HmongHPV Website Dissemination Project
Past Projects
- Our Body, Our Health -- Jirkeena, Caafimaadkeena
- Bridging Divides Between the Hmong Community and Mental Health Services in the Telehealth Age through Cultural Brokers
- Cultural Brokers as Bridging the Telehealth Divide Between Somali and Latino/a/x Communities and Health Institutions: Improving Mental Health Disparities and Access During COVID-19
- Reducing Health Disparities in Pediatric Serious Illness Care: A CBPR approach to improving cross-cultural understanding between healthcare providers and Somali, Latino/a/x, Hmong and Native American communities in MN
- QMEP: Quality Measures Enhancement
1. Clinicians
2. Community - Project TRUST – Training for Resiliency in Urban Students and Teachers
Project TRUST Additional Information - Family Matters
- Very Important Pharmacogenes in the Hmong Community (VIP-Hmong)
- A Path to Identifying Effective Treatments for Hmong Adults Suffering from Gout and Gout Related Co-morbidities
- Immigrant Microbiome Project: Characterization of the Obesogenic Gut Microbiome Among Immigrants
- Minnesota Family Environmental Exposure Tracking (MN FEET)
- Patient Engagement: Enhancing Culturally Appropriate Research
Strategies to Enhance Culturally Responsive Research: Community Research Recommendation Tool
Community Strategies to Enhance Culturally Responsive Research - Genetics Of Hyper-Uricemia Therapy in Hmong (GOUT-H)
- Somali, Latino and Hmong Hospice Stories
- Family Healthy Lifestyles
- Hmong Healthy Lifestyles
- Pharmacogenomic Testing in the Hmong Community: Phase 1
- Pharmacogenomic Testing in the Hmong Community: Phase 2
- Partnership for Rolling Hills Community Assets for Health
- Healthy St. Paul Families: Utilizing Latino, Hmong and Somali Cultural Strengths to Connect Communities and Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
- Effects of Media Exposure to Cancer Screening Controversy: A Mixed-Methods Study
- A Qualitative Study of Families of Children with Autism in the Somali Community
- Healthy Kids – Healthy Lives
- Multicultural School-Based Approach to Substance Use Prevention and Resiliency Promotion
- Cultural Asset Assessment of Somali, Latino and Hmong Communities in St. Paul MN
SoLaHmo Partnerships and Approaches – Publications
- "We Feel Alone and Not Listened To": Parents’ Perspectives on Pediatric Serious Illness Care in Somali, Hmong, and Latin American Communities – Jennifer Needle, Sey Lee, Amran Ahmed, Rodolfo Batres, Jinhee Cha, Pilar de la Parra, Shannon Pergament, Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera; The Annals of Family Medicine May 2024, 22 (3) 215-222; DOI: 10.1370/afm.3106.
- Our Body Our Health (Jirkeena, Caafimaadkeena): Somali Women’s Narratives on Sexual Health – JenniferJo Connor, Cawo Abdi, Muzi Chen, Munira Salad, Shannon Pergament, Foos Afey, Intisar Hussein & Beatrice “Bean” The Journal of Sex Research. E. Robinson (2023) (JSR Editors’ Choice Award)
- Female genital cutting (FGC) type: proposing a multifaceted, interactive method for FGC self-assessment – Crista E Johnson-Agbakwu, Muzi Chen, Munira Salad, Nicole Chaisson, Jennifer Jo Connor, Beatrice Bean E Robinson. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2023, Pages 1292–1300
- Beautiful vulvas: expanding illustrative visual imagery of female genital cutting types – Nicole Chaisson, Crista E Johnson-Agbakwu, Ashley Finch, Munira Salad, Jennifer Jo Connor, Muzi Chen, Beatrice Bean E Robinson. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2023, Pages 1301–1311.
- Evaluating Human Papillomavirus eHealth in Hmong Adolescents to Promote Vaccinations: Pilot Feasibility Study – Lee HY, Xiong S, Sur A, Khang T, Vue B, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament S, Torres MB, Koopmeiners JS, Desai J. JMIR Form Res, 2023;7:e38388
doi: 10.2196/38388 - Population Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacogenetics Modeling of Oxypurinol in Hmong Adults with Gout and/or Hyperuricemia – Wen YF, Brundage RC, Roman YM, Culhane-Pera KA, Straka RJ. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2023. DOI: 10.1111/bcp.15792 Online ahead of print.
- Hmong Microbiome ANd Gout, Obesity, Vitamin C (HMANGO-C): A phase II clinical study protocol – Wen Y-F, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament SL, Moua Y, Vue B, Yang T, Lo M, Sun B, Knights D, Straka RJ.. PLoS One. 2023;18(2): e0279830.
- Pharmacogenomic Variabilities in Geo-ancestral Subpopulations and Their Clinical Implications: Results of Collaborations with Hmong in the United States – Sun B, Wen Y-F, Culhane-Pera KA, Lo M, Straka RJ. Frontiers in Genetics. 2023;13:1070236.
- Mobile health technology for hypertension management with Hmong and Latino adults: mixed-methods community-based participatory research – Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera, Ka Bao Vang, Luis Martin Ortega, Txia Xiong, Carin A. Northuis, Pilar de la Parra & Kamakshi Lakshminarayan (2022), Ethnicity & Health.
- Somali, Latino, and Hmong Youth Perceptions of School Connectedness – Wilhelm, April K., Bigelow, Martha , Hang, Mikow , Ortega, Luis E., Pergament, Shannon and Allen, Michele L. Health Equity. Jul 2022.508-515.
- Mobile health technology for hypertension management with Hmong and Latino adults: mixed-methods community-based participatory research – Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera, Ka Bao Vang, Luis Martin Ortega, Txia Xiong, Carin A. Northuis, Pilar de la Parra & Kamakshi Lakshminarayan (2022). Ethnicity & Health, DOI: ;
- Participatory Microbiome Research With Hmong and Karen Communities: Lessons Learned – Vangay, P., Yang, N., Pergament, S., Xiong, M., Paw, B., Batres, R., Knights, D., & Culhane-Pera, K. A. (2021). Journal of Participatory ResearchMethods, 2(3).
- Diverse community leaders’ perspectives about quality primary healthcare and healthcare measurement: Qualitative community-based participatory research. Culhane-Pera, K.A., Pergament, S.L., Kasouaher, M.Y. et al.Int J Equity Health 20, 226 (2021).
- Strategies to Enhance Culturally Responsive Research: Community Research Recommendation Tool – Kasouaher, M., Shore, N., Culhane-Pera, K., Pergament, S., Batres, R., Reyes, P.C., ... Richmond, A. (2021).Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action15(3), 413-418.
- "We will do whatever it takes": Understanding Socioecological Level Influences on Hmong-American Adolescents and Parents' Perceptions of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – Xiong S, Kasouaher MY, Vue B, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament SL, Desai J, Torres MB, Lee HY.. J Cancer Educ. 2021 Jun 23:1–9.
- Lessons Learned in Implementing Youth and Parent Participatory Action Research in a School-Based Intervention – Wilhelm AK, Pergament S, Cavin A, Bates N, Hang M, Ortega LE, Bigelow M, Allen ML. . Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2021;15(1):15-36.
- Applying a Race(ism)-Conscious Adaptation of the CFIR Framework to Understand Implementation of a School-Based Equity-Oriented Intervention – Allen, M., Wilhelm, A., Ortega, L.E., Pergament, S., Bates, N., Cunningham, B. Ethn Dis. 2021;31(Suppl 1):375-388;
- Evaluation of a school-based participatory intervention to improve school environments using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research – Wilhelm, A.K., Schwedhelm, M., Bigelow, M., Bates, N., Ortega, L.E., Pergament, S., Allen, M. BMC Public Health 21, 1615 (2021).
- Engaging Hmong adults in genomic and pharmacogenomic research: Toward reducing health disparities in genomic knowledge using a community-based participatory research approach – Culhane-Pera, K.A., Straka, R.J., Moua, M. et al. J Community Genet 8, 117–125 (2017)
- Primary care clinicians’ perspectives about quality measurements in safety-net clinics and non-safety-net clinics – Culhane-Pera KA, Ortega LM, Thao MS, Pergament SL, Pattock AM, Ogawa LS, Scandrett M, Satin DJ. International Journal for Equity in Health. (2018) 17: 161
- 13 Perspectives on Power and Equity in Community-Based Participatory Action Research Projects – Bigelow, M., Cushing-Leubner, J., Adam, K., Hang, M., Ortega, L. E., Pergament, S., & Allen, M. (2019). Critical Reflections on Research Methods: Power and Equity in Complex Multilingual Contexts, 184.
- US Immigration Westernizes the Human Gut Microbiome – Pajau Vangay, Abigail J. Johnson, Tonya L. Ward, Gabriel A. Al-Ghalith, Robin R. Shields-Cutler, Benjamin M. Hillmann, Sarah K. Lucas, Lalit K. Beura, Emily A. Thompson, Lisa M. Till, Rodolfo Batres, Bwei Paw, Shannon L. Pergament, Pimpanitta Saenyakul, Mary Xiong, Austin D. Kim, Grant Kim, David Masopust, Eric C. Martens, Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Rose McGready, Purna C. Kashyap, Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera, Dan Knights. Cell, 2018; 175 (4): 962
- What Drives an Intervention’s Success? Contextual Barriers and Facilitators to Youth and Parent Participatory Action Research Projects in Schools – Wilhelm A, Bigelow M, Ortega L, Pergament S, Hang M, Allen M. Journal of Adolescent Health February 2018;62(2):S113-S114.
- Engaging with communities, engaging with patients: amendment to the NAPCRG 1998 Policy Statement on Responsible Research With Communities – Allen ML, Salsberg J,Knot M, LeMaster JW, Felzien M, Westfall JM, Herbert CP, Vickery K, Culhane-Pera KA, Ramsden VR, Zittleman L, Martin RE, Macaulay AC. Family Practice 2017;34(3):313-221. doi:10.1093/fampra/cmw074
- Examining unanswered questions about the home environment and childhood obesity disparities using an incremental, mixed-methods, longitudinal study design: The Family Matters study – Berge J, Trofholz A, Tate A, Beebe M, Fertig A, Miner M, Crow S, Culhane-Pera K, Pergament S, Neuwmark-Sztainer.Contemporary Clinical Trials. August 2017:62.
- Somali, Latino and Hmong parents’ perceptions and approaches about raising healthy-weight children: A community-based participatory research study – Arcan C, Culhane-Pera K, Pergament S, Maira Rosas-Lee M, Xiong M. Public Health Nutrition 2017:1-15. doi:10.1017/S1368980017001719
- Engaging Hmong adults in genomic and pharmacogenomic research: Toward reducing health disparities in genomics knowledge using community-based participatory research – Culhane-Pera KA, Straka RJ, Moua MK, Roman Y, Vue P, Xiaaj K, Lo MX, Lor M. Journal of Community Genomics. Epub ahead of print 10 Jan 2017
- Leaves Imitate Trees: Minnesota Hmong concepts of heredity and applications to genomics research. Journal of Community Genomics – Culhane-Pera KA, Moua MK, Vue P, Xiaaj K, Lo MX, Straka RJ. (Epub ahead of print 07 November 2016) DOI 10.1007/s12687-016-0284-2
- Assessment of genetic polymorphisms associated with hyperuricemia and gout in the Hmong. Personalized Medicine – Roman Y, Culhane-Pera KA, Menke J, Straka RJ. 2016;13(5):429-440. (Epub ahead of print) DOI 10.2217/pme-2016-0021
- Feasibility Results of a Participatory Teacher Professional Development Intervention to Promote Positive Youth Development for Somali, Latino, and Hmong Youth – Allen ML, Ortega LE, Cushing-Leubner J, Bigelow M, Pergament S, Hang M, Okuyemi K. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2016:58(2):S45.
- They just respect you for who you are: contributors to educator positive youth development promotion for Somali, Latino, and Hmong students – Allen ML, Rosas-Lee M, Ortega L, Hang M, Pergament S, Pratt R. J Prim Prev. 2016;37(1):71-86.
- Promoting resilience in diverse classrooms: The answers are not in the back of the book – Cushing-Leubner, J., Adam, K., Bigelow, M., Hang, M., Ortega, L., Pergament, S., Prifrel, R., Susens, S., & Allen, M. MinneTESOL Journal, spring issue.
- Barriers to early identification and access to services for children with autism: experiences of Somali, Hmong, and Latino families in Minnesota. LEND Brief: ASD and Culture – McAlpine DD, Egal M, Pergament S, Novillo W, Yang MK. Spring 2015: 21-25.
- Concept mapping as an approach to facilitate participatory intervention building. Progress in Community Health Partnerships – Allen, M. L., Shaleben-Boateng, D., Davey, C., Hang, M., & Pergament, S. (forthcoming). Winter 2015; 9 (4): 599-608. 2016 Feb; 37 (1): 71-86.
- Promoting Positive Youth Development in High School for Somali, Latino, and Hmong Youth: Perspectives of Teachers, Youth-workers, and Students – Allen ML, Ortega LE, Rosas-Lee M, Pergament S, Hang M, Omar L. Journal of School Health. January 2014
- CBPAR Partnerships can address and redress health disparities: Voices from SoLaHmo – Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament SL, Ortega LE, Thao MS, Dhore N. MetroDoctors 2014; 16(5):23-26.
- A Capacity Building Program to Promote CBPR Partnerships Between Academic Researchers and Community Members. Clinical and Translational Science – Allen ML, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament S, Call KT. 2011 Dec;4(6):428-33
- Facilitating Research Faculty Participation in CBPR: Development of a Model Based on Key Informant Interviews – Allen M, Call K, Pergament S, and Culhane-Pera KA. Clinical and Translational Science. 2010;3(5):233-237.
- Partners in Research: Curricula to Prepare Community and Faculty for CBPR Partnerships – Allen ML, Culhane-Pera KA, Call KT, Pergament S. (2010), 2011.
- Improving Immigrant and Refugee Health in Minnesota with Community-based Participatory Action Research – Culhane-Pera KA, Allen M, Pergament SL, Call K, Adawe A, dela Torre R, Hang M, Jama F, Navas M, Ortega L, Vue P, and Yang TT. Minnesota Medicine. April 2010: 54-57.
SoLaHmo Partnerships and Approaches – Presentations
- Interdisciplinary and Multisectoral Action to Address the Social Determinants of Health – Culhane-Pera K, Hang M, Millien C, Ortega LE, Pergament S. Bridging Clinic and Community. Social Medicine Consortium 2016 Conference: Reimagining Social Medicine. April 30, 2016.
- Community Participatory Research by Somali, Latino, and Hmong Communities: SoLaHmo – Pergament S, Ortega L, Ahmed A, Hang M, Navas M. Teenwise Minnesota Annual Conference. Brooklyn Center, MN. May 6, 2011 (Workshop).
- SoLaHmo Partnership for Health and Wellness: CBPAR for Community Health Centers. Culhane-Pera KA, Ortega L, Ahmed A, Hang M, Navas M, Pergament S.Many Faces of Community Health Conference. St Louis Park, MN. October 29, 2010. (Workshop)
SoLaHmo Partnerships and Approaches – Posters
- HPV Vaccination in Hmong Adolescents: Multi-Level Communication Strategies for HPV Vaccination in Hmong Adolescents
- Very Important Pharmacogenes in the Hmong Community (VIP-Hmong)
- GOUT-H in the Hmong Community (Genetics Of Hyper-Uricemia Therapy in Hmong)
- Somali, Latino, and Hmong Parental Perceptions and Practices of Raising Healthy-Weight Children – Arcan C, Pergament S, Rosas-Lee M, Ortega LE, Thao MS, Xiong MB, Vang C, Culhane-Pera KA. 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities. National Harbor, MD. December 2012.
- Report from NIH Grant – Allen M and Culhane-Pera KA. Partners in Research. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Seattle Washington, November 15, 2010.
- Partners in Research: Maximizing Immigrant and Refugee Health through Community-based Participatory Action Research – Allen M and SoLaHmo members. Partners in Research Meeting – National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD. October 25, 2009.
- Healthy St. Paul Families: Utilizing Somali, Latino & Hmong Cultural Assets to Promote Healthy Diet & Physical Activity – Hang M, Omaar L, Ortega LE, and Pergament S. Many Faces of Community Health Conference. October 25, 2012.
- Somali, Latino, and Hmong Parental Perceptions and Practices of Raising Healthy-Weight Children – Rosas-Lee M, Arcan C, Pergament S, Culhane-Pera KA. University of Minnesota Community of Scholars Program. October 19, 2012.
SoLaHmo Partnerships and Approaches – Reports
- A Qualitative Study of Families of Children with Autism in the Somali Community: Comparing the Experiences of Immigrant Groups. McAlpine DD, Egal M, Pergament S, Novillo W, Yang MK. Barriers to early identification and access to services for children with autism: experiences of Somali, Hmong, and Latino families in Minnesota. LEND Brief: ASD and Culture. Spring 2015: 21-25.
- Clinician Perspectives’ of Quality Measures in Varied Health Care Systems. Quality Measurement Enhancement Project (QMEP), Minnesota Health Care Safety Net Coalition, and SoLaHmo Partnership for Health and Wellness, West Side Community Health Services, Inc. September 29, 2017
- Community Leaders’ Perspectives of Health, Quality Primary Health Care, and Payment Based on Quality Measures. Quality Measurement Enhancement Project (QMEP), Minnesota Health Care Safety Net Coalition, and SoLaHmo Partnership for Health and Wellness, West Side Community Health Services, Inc. February 9, 2018
- Cultural Strengths and Assets of Somali, Latino and Hmong Communities – Vang C, Hang M, Abdullahi S, Adawe A, Ahmed A, Anglin L, De la Torre R, Geele W, Lanata G, Lor S, Navas M, Ortega L, Robles C, Santos J, Thao MS, Vang P, Vue PC, Warsame K, Xiong MB, Culhane-Pera K, Pergament S. Essentials of Clinical Medicine. University of Minnesota. Poster Session. March 2012.
SoLaHmo Partnerships and Approaches – Newspaper Articles
- Immigrant Microbiome Project: Characterization of the Obesogenic Gut Microbiome Among Immigrant. Micro-Organisms / Macro Effects. Newspaper report by Stephanie Xenos. College of Biological Sciences. 2015.
- Cell: US Immigration Westernizes the Human Gut Microbiome
- The Atlantic: Just Months of American Life Change the Microbiome
- Science Friday: Wherever My Microbiome May Roam
- The Washington Post: Immigrants arrive with flourishing gut microbes. Then America’s diet trashes them.
- The New York Times: The Ecosystem in Immigrants’ Guts Is Shaped by the Place They Call Home
- RNZ: Why the western diet is bad for your microbiome
- Science Direct: A Microbiota Assimilation
- Nature: Life in a distant land triggers upheaval in immigrants’ microbiomes
- Scientific American: U.S. Immigrants Leave Country—and Microbes—Behind
- SoLaHmo: Building on Cultural Strengths for Safe, Healthy & Strong Families and Communities – Hang M, Thao MS, Xiong MB, Vang C. Hmong Times Online. April 8, 2012
SoLaHmo Partnerships and Approaches – Radio
- Somali, Latino and Hmong Radio Stories about Children’s Healthy Eating & Exercise: Findings from a SoLaHmo Pilot Study – Serrano L, Arcan C, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament S, Adam K, Chang XGS, Dhore N, Dualeh H, Hang M, Ly N, Navarrete M, Omaar L, Ortega LO, Rosas-Lee M, Thao MS, Vang C. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) San Diego, May 21-24, 2013.
- Somali, Latino and Hmong Radio Stories about Children’s Healthy Eating & Exercise: A SoLaHmo Pilot Study (Findings) – Serrano L, Arcan C, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament S, Adam K, Chang XGS, Dhore N, Dualeh H, Hang M, Ly N, Navarrete M, Omaar L, Ortega LO, Rosas-Lee M, Thao MS, Vang C. 2013 Poster Session and Awards Dinner “The Power of Partnerships.” St. Paul, MN. November 20, 2013.
- Somali, Latino and Hmong Radio Stories about Children’s Healthy Eating & Exercise: A SoLaHmo Pilot Study (Methods) – Serrano L, Arcan C, Culhane-Pera KA, Pergament S, Chang XGS, Dhore N, Dualeh H, Hang M, Ly N, Navarrete M, Omaar L, Ortega LO, Rosas-Lee M, Thao MS, Vang C. Discover through the lens of innovation: CTSI 213 research conference. Mpls, MN. October 1-2, 2013.
- Frogtown Community Radio (WFNU): “SoLaHmo Voices” (weekly, 2016)
- SoLaHmo Healthy Lifestyle Stories: 9 radio stories about the prevention of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity (3 stories in Somali, 3 in Spanish and 3 in Hmong).
The stories are based on true success stories from interviews with local families in each of the three communities. (Audio in Somali, Spanish and Hmong; written scripts also available in English)
Partnership Building Tools & Online CBPR Training
- University of Minnesota Program in Health Disparities Research, PHDR Resources for Community-based Research, PHDR Resources Co-developed with SoLaHmo Partnership for Health & Wellness.
- University of Minnesota CTSI Resources for Community-Engaged Research.
- Training Modules: Equity Grounded Community Engaged Research Modules – Developed in collaboration with the Program in Health Disparities Research Community Advisory Board and SoLaHmo.
Radio Stories
Hospice Radio Stories
The Hospice Stories Project, a collaboration between Minnesota Network of Hospice & Palliative Care (MNHPC), SoLaHmo Partnership for Health and Wellness (SoLaHmo) and ECHO, is building culturally relevant awareness around hospice care in Latino, Somali and Hmong communities in the Twin Cities.
These radio stories are based on true stories from interviews with local families in Hmong, Somali, and Latino
Video: Spanish – Hmong – Somali – English
Hmong Radio Story: Hmong – English.
Somali Radio Story Somali – English
Latino Radio Story Spanish – English
Healthy Lifestyle Radio Stories
Video: YouTube Audio Links
Hmong/English: Obesity – Hypertension – Diabetes
Somali/English: BMI – Hypertension – Diabetes
Latino/English: Childhood Obesity – Hypertension – Diabetes
SoLaHmo’s Core Partnership Expectations
SoLaHmo’s Core Partnership Expectations
- Our projects and partners adhere to CBPAR principles.
- SoLaHmo community researchers are Co-Investigators and may be Co-Principal Investigators where appropriate.
- SoLaHmo community researchers are represented at all levels of our research partnerships and at decision-making tables about SoLaHmo.
- The SoLaHmo Asset Framework will be applied to the development of research tools, data analysis and programs/interventions.
- SoLaHmo researcher’s cultural perspectives will be applied in the development of all research processes, documents and tools.
- Time for partnership development will be built into our research timelines.
- SoLaHmo encourages our partners to engage in discussions about the role of racism and how to redress it, related to the research topic at hand.
Solahmo-University of MN Partnership Building Tools
- The University of Minnesota Program in Health Disparities Research, PHDR Resources for Community-based Research, PHDR Resources Co-developed with SoLaHmo Partnership for Health & Wellness. Accessible here.
- University of Minnesota CTSI Resources for Community-Engaged Research. Accessible here.
Trainings For Community Research and Research Partnership
- Community Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR)
- Focus Groups
- Key Informant Interviews
- Participatory Data Analysis
- Ethical Human Subjects Research Workshop – from a Community Perspective
- Collaborative Agreements for Community-Academic Research Partnerships (MOUs)
- Research Partnership Protocol: A Gold Standard
- Centers for Disease Control/National Cancer Institute (CDC/NCI)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Pipeline2Proposal Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III
- The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
- FR Bigelow Foundation
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- University of Minnesota, Program in Health Disparities Research
- University of Minnesota, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
- St. Paul Foundation
- UCare Fund
Our Community Partners
- CAB member affiliations (multiple)
- Community Campus Partnerships for Health
- Dial Group
- Frogtown Radio
- Hmong American Partnership
- Kajoog
- Minnesota Safety Net Coalition
- MN Association of Community Health Centers
- MN Department of Health
- MN Network of Hospice and Palliative Care
- MN East Side YMCANeighborhood House
- Quality Measurement Enhancement Project (QMEP)
- Social Medicine Consortium
- St Paul-Ramsey County Public Health
- St. Paul Public Schools
- Urban Roots
Our Academic Partners
- University of Minnesota – Center for Bioethics
- University of Minnesota – Clinical & Translational Science Institute
- University of Minnesota – Department of Education and Curriculum Development Gustavus Adolphus College
- University of Minnesota – Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
- University of Minnesota – Medical School, Program in Health Disparities Research
- University of Minnesota – School of Public Health
- University of Minnesota – School of Social Work