Julie Klemond, DH, ADT

Dental Providers

Advanced Dental Therapist, Hygienist


Metropolitan State University

About Me

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About Me



Why I Chose My Specialty

I have worked as a dental hygienist for over 30 years and I went back to school to become a dental therapist so that I would be able to not only function as a hygienist but am now able to complete fillings, do dental exams, help patients when they are in pain, work with children for fillings, extractions, crowns and sealants. Dental therapy gives me so many more options to treat patients, specifically in a community clinic setting

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Learning Spanish


Over 20 years with Park Dental. For the last six years, I have worked at CUHCC. I am also an adjunct faculty with the School of Dentistry

Professional Interests

Minnesota Dental Therapy Association, Minnesota Dental Hygiene

Additional Organizations I Am A Part Of



Anything with dogs! Crochet and learning Spanish

Farthest I've Traveled From Home
